all-attend Integration API Documentation


Welcome to the all-attend Integration API documentation. This document provides all the necessary details for integration.


After processing school information:

  1. Device Allocation: Devices will be assigned to partners.
  2. Device Details: Partners will receive documentation that includes:
    • Serial numbers
    • Corresponding school assignments

User Addition Process

  • Partners are required to submit user data to all-attend for system user addition

  • If partners opt to only provide the buid, they must also provide the generated ID card designs and a unique mapper for correlating each buid with its respective user. This facilitates the assignment of cards to the correct users during printing.

  • An Example for unique mapper:


{ "roll-1-section-1-A": "<buid-of-roll-1-section-1-A>", "roll-2-section-1-A": "<buid-of-roll-2-section-1-A>" }
  • Alternatively, partners can provide users data in any format, in which case all-attend will generate ID cards for printing based on the partners' selected designs.

  • Please note: Partners must provide the buid, a unique identifier used by partners to distinguish each user.

2. User Update Process

For updating user details, partners must contact all-attend support directly.

Webhook Integration

The all-attend server will send real-time attendance data to a specified webhook endpoint provided by partners.

Webhook Details:

  • Expected Endpoint: Partners must share an endpoint to receive attendance data.
  • Payload Structure:
{ "buid": "<user-buid>", "bsid": "<school-bsid>", "schoolCode": "<school-code>", "name": "<user-name>", "class": "<user-class>", "section": "<user-section>", "mode": "<attendance-mode>", // in, out "timestamp": "2024-03-24T03:47:37.591Z", "sn": "<device-serial-number>" }

Required Fields:

  • buid: User's unique identifier
  • bsid: School identifier
  • mode: Attendance mode (in or out)
  • timestamp: Event timestamp
  • sn: Device serial number

Optional Fields:

  • name, class, section (included only if provided by partners)

Note: Upon receiving attendance data all-attend server excepts 200 response code from the partner's webhook URL

Final Notes

  • Ensure your system can handle webhook payload structure outlined above.
  • For any questions or support, contact the all-attend technical team.

Thank you for integrating with all-attend! 🚀